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President's Update 15/4/20

Kia ora koutou to all members and supporters of NZISM. Like me, most of you no doubt have experienced over the last few weeks the immense availability of webinars, information and social media content on any number of subjects related to COVID-19. Information on the effects on mental health, stress, how to be more resilient, working from home, leadership, essential services and PPE supply has filled our inboxes and social accounts. We have become familiar with different terms and ways of being, such as pivot, social distancing, physical distancing, staying in your bubble, the 2-metre rule, lockdown, work from home and queuing at the supermarket. ...

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CEO's Update 31/3/20

Kia ora koutou katoa members and supporters. As I sit to write this newsletter I am in the same seat, in the same office I usually work from. We are all remote workers at NZISM, so not much has changed from that perspective for the team. However, in the background, the normal silence of my home is broken by the scream of children as they argue with their Dad about whether or not potato stix are a healthy lunch option. Doors slam and the dog continues to snore at my feet. ...

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President's Update 17/3/20

Kia ora koutou to all members and supporters of NZISM. The last couple of weeks has seen a flurry of political and media activity around health and safety and it’s hard to know whether this attention is beneficial or not. Prior to the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act there was commentary about the lack of focus in mainstream media about health and safety. The only time we got to hear about it was when there was a disaster, I am not sure what’s changed. ...

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Notice to Accredited Members

As a professional member of NZISM you are required to undertake and record continuing professional development as part of your professional practice. You will notice that instead of the standard $60 fee to access the Skillsure MyCPD platform, you will be charged $30. ...

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CEO's Update 3/3/20

Kia ora koutou katoa members and supporters, I was lucky enough to attend the first summit in Wellington for Association and Not For Profit Leaders last week. It was 2 days focused on delivering value, enriching benefits and driving profile for our members. It was time well spent listening to CEOs/Directors/ Presidents of some of New Zealand’s leading associations. ...

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Could edenfx pay for your membership?

We have some terrific news from principal partners, edenfx. Starting 1st March, for every successful candidate placement* secured as a result of having seen their advert on the NZISM website, edenfx will offer client companies one of two opportunities to work in tighter collaboration with NZISM: ...

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President's Update 18/2/20

Kia ora koutou to all members and supporters of NZISM.Some of you might know I recently travelled to Thailand and participated in a charity cycle ride with the HANDS Group. The 28 people that were involved raised $180,000 as part of the event that contributed to orphaned children in Thailand. It turns out this wasn’t about a bike ride in a foreign land with a beautiful backdrop. It was much more - it was personal development on wheels. We are all continually learning and growing and this trip was a timely reminder of the power of leadership, commitment, curiosity and compassion. ...

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Message from the Chair of the Board

The headlines over the last month have been dominated by two local stories of tragedy - at Whakaari White Island and the devastating Australian bush fires. What these have in common is the issue of heroism. The helicopter pilots and skippers whose first thought was to turn around and head back to the island to rescue casualties and the firefighters - mostly volunteers who expose themselves daily to massive and volatile risks in order to try and hold the line and save life and property. ...

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Members will be aware of NZISM's involvement in INSHPO, an organisation we have been members of since 2010. INSHPO is governed by a Board made up of representatives of all 13 member associations and within that Board is an Executive Committee comprising Vice President, President Elect, President and Immediate Past President. Every year the member associations vote on a new Vice President, as representatives of this committee go through a 4 year cycle of roles; each year the Immediate Past President drops off with the other representatives stepping into the next role. ...

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I can’t believe it is that time of year already, I recall many years ago when December was a relatively slow month filled with Christmas lunches and client catch-ups before the summer holidays; working life has changed substantially and we now sprint through to the very end. This is the last of my updates for 2019 as the National office closes for 2 weeks between 23rd December and 6th January. ...

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Kia ora koutou to all members and supporters of NZISM. It was a real pleasure this week to attend the first formal meeting of the new NZISM Senior Leadership Team. While we met recently via an online forum, this was our first face-to-face gathering and it was important for us to do this before the end of the year so the team can head into 2020 with a clear plan on how to develop the new roles into the future. ...

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edenfx are long-term supporters of NZISM and we are really excited to have recently cemented our partnership with them as a Principal Partner. ...

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​Banking on health, safety and well-being

A bank wouldn’t usually be the first organisation to spring to mind when asked to name a business where health and safety is a priority. ...

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Members Only

Safeguard Issue 177


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Members Only


NZISM are running a number of online meetings to work through our response to the various sector questions that MBIE have posed in their consultation document on Implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015: Better Regulation Plant, Structures and Working at Heights. ...

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Members Only

Safeguard Issue 176


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Media Release: Worker well-being moving up business agenda

Please find below a press release on visiting international health and safety advocate and author Dr Todd Conklin, from the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM). ...

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The evolution of the OHS profession in New Zealand

Christopher Peacea,b,⁎ , Felicity Lammc , Greg Dearslyd , Helen Parkese ...

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NZISM in the Media: AUS and NZ Safety Professional Associati...

The Safety Institute of Australia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM), setting the basis for knowledge sharing, provision of mutual member benefits, and collaboration on future projects. ...

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