A community interested in sharing, supporting and inspiring innovation in safety management.


To intentionally evolve and enhance New Zealand’s capability and capacity to deliver work solutions by enabling a community of professionals to share knowledge, critical thinking and outcomes of real-world, practical examples of innovation. Supported by each other, industry and government.


Meet the Community of Safety Innovation Chair, Craig Marriott, and hear what CSI means to some of our founding members

Want to join the Community?

Email craig@cm-safety.com and asking about joining the next COSI event

Recordings of past online events

Measuring What Matters with ASB

Deborah Pitout, Health and Safety Manager at ASB, discusses a project with Victoria University students (supported by WorkSafe) which practically utilised the Double Diamond process to come up with some prototypes to help ASB:

  1. measure health, safety and wellbeing and
  2. create a matrix that could help them to dig deeper and understand how they can move from Business as Usual to Business as Possible and create thriving ecosystems.

The students came up with three prototypes to test, as well as a Design Thinking HSW Game. The prototypes are not exclusive to ASB and could be used by other members of the Community.

Influencing a different approach to health and safety

Internationally acclaimed Safety II expert, Dr John Green shares his successes and failures in influencing boards and senior managers when it comes to a different approach to health and safety. John has worked in the oil, gas, petrochemical, electronics, heavy engineering, construction and aviation sectors and has more than 40 years' experience of industrial safety.

Moving away from health and safety bureaucracy

Deborah Pitout talks to Desai Link from commercial construction company, Brosnan Construction. Desai explains why Brosnan thought it was important to strip away layers of bureaucracy and how they went about it.

The dangerous road to zero harm

Dr Fred Sherratt is a professor of Construction & Sociology at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK. More than that, she is a chartered builder and chartered building engineer who has spent over 10 years on site "making safety work."

In this webinar, Fred shares her research into UK construction organisations and the concept of "zero harm". Does it work? Should it be the target? And statistically, do companies who have a zero target programme perform better than those without?

Measuring improvement

How do you measure improvement in work when metrics are only one side of the story?

Just one of many great questions posed and discussed in our Community webinar recording with world-renowned safety differently expert Ron Gantt on changing mindsets away from Zero Harm.

Safety Differently - Queensland Urban Utilities' journey

In the Community of Safety Innovation’s first webinar we hear from Kym Bancroft and Steve Harvey at Queensland Urban Utilities who talk us through their Safety Differently journey.

A community interested in sharing, supporting and inspiring innovation in safety management.

  • Bridging the gap between new safety thinking and practice.
  • Demonstrating effectiveness of real-world, practical examples of innovations.
  • Increasing the innovation capability of New Zealand industry.

Go to our LinkedIn group to join the community and the conversation.

Community of Safety Innovation LinkedIn

We are a cross-industry group, spread across New Zealand and supported by NZISM, Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum and WorkSafe's Innovation team