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Update from the NZISM CPD Committee

Update from the NZISM CPD Committee ...

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Safeguard Issue 170


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Safeguard Issue 169

Thinking strategically GREG DEARSLY says the recently released draft H&S strategy offers much to consider in terms of SMEs, procurement, vulnerable workers, and professional qualifications. ...

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Register That - Update 3

A progress update on the HASANZ register of workplace health & safety professionals ...

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Safeguard Issue 168

Turning professional Talented young athletes eventually face a decision about turning professional. SELENA ARMSTRONG says the health & safety profession has reached that stage. ...

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Sun Smart - protecting workers from solar UV radiation - new...

Protecting workers from solar UV radiation booklet ...

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Safeguard Issue 167

More than a job Do you regard your health & safety role as part of a career, or is it just a job? GREG DEARSLY has some advice for the career-minded. ...

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Press Release

PRESS RELEASE- 11thJune 2018 ...

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SafePlus Fact Sheet

SafePlus Fact Sheet .pdf ...

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Safeguard Issue 166

Challenging the educators GREG DEARSLY challenges tertiary education institutions offering H&S courses to embrace accreditation and the changing skill set required of H&S practitioners. ...

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WorkSafe's advice warning

NBR_Nicole_Rosie_24Nov2017.pdf ...

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New Minister of Workplace Relations & Safety - Iain Lees-Gal...

New Minister of Workplace Relations & Safety - Iain Lees-Galloway ...

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Workshops with Safety II Guru Dr John Green

An exclusive opportunity for HASANZ members ...

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NZOHNA Conference: “Healthy Workers – the future of your...

Great to have so many of you already registered, but we still have room for more ...

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