By NZISM Master account
NZISM believes the health and safety profession has much to offer the Boardroom and we want to see more of our peers working at this level across organisations in New Zealand. We know increasing the health and safety knowledge and capability of those sitting at the Board table will enhance the health, safety, and wellbeing of New Zealand workplaces. Having the right skills to know how to engage with directors will increase the influence that our members can have at this important level.
With this in mind we are looking to provide an NZISM accredited member with the opportunity to gain experience within the NZISM Board via an intern appointment for a term of 18 months.
The successful intern will be serious about a career in, or working with, governance and be able to show they are undertaking independent steps to progress to a Director role. Accepted evidence could be:
You MUST be an accredited NZISM member, either a Practitioner, Professional, Certified Professional or Certified Fellow.
This internship will suit someone beginning their governance career, who would like to develop their skills within a supportive and encouraging environment and who has set a clear career path focused on the journey to the Boardroom. This role provides the opportunity to work with some of the industry's most respected, senior professionals.
In addition to attending board meetings, you will be mentored by one of our directors and funded to attend an IoD one day course of your choice.
It is anticipated that you will contribute to or lead our NZISM Governance Forum to help share learnings and experience with a wider group of Members.
If this opportunity excites you, please submit a cover letter and CV to [email protected].
Closing date is 17th May.
Thank you for joining the Women in Safety Excellence (WISE) network.
We hold various online and face-to-face events throughout the year and if one occurs near you, we would love to meet you in person.
LinkedIn - Please make sure you join our LinkedIn group to stay connected and on top of our planned webinars and events. We encourage you to post anything in the WISE group page that you think other network members would find useful or inspiring. Please don't be shy. The more we reach out, the more we connect with each other, and the more we can help each other on our journeys.
We might send you the occasional email but our web page on the NZISM website is always the best place to go for an overview of what's coming up in the WISE calendar.
Best wishes,
Margaret van Schaik
WISE Chair