Thank you and goodbye

By NZISM Master account


For me, the picture in this story captures the essence of my experience with NZISM. Not only are there lovely, friendly faces, people I’ve enjoyed working with, but it depicts the heart of this organisation, it's a membership association. A group of practitioners and professionals passionate about what we do. Whether you are accredited or not, you belong. If you are new or a seasoned professional, NZISM is here to help you connect, grow your knowledge, support you and offer you the chance to share your experience for the betterment of all workers in Aotearoa. Collectively, we have set the standard for the health and safety profession through our understanding and knowledge of what makes a great practitioner.

I am humbled by the mahi of our members who volunteer to give their time, energy, and wisdom to support others. I will forever be grateful for the friends and colleagues who have shared their knowledge so willingly, so that others may benefit. This organisation has been built on the back of volunteers who have given so that we can grow the profession, expand our collective knowledge, and ensure that those who are entering the profession have access to a respected community of professionals who can guide them in their development.

Thank you to all who have contributed to the transformation of NZISM. Because of this I have been able to achieve what I set out to do; deliver an exceptional member experience, ensure organisational stability, develop professional capability, demonstrate leadership and ensure we are known as trusted and influential. We have come a long way in just under 7 years, and I look forward to watching this community grow from strength to strength under new leadership, with the guidance of old hands.

Thank you for making me feel so welcome. Thank you for challenging me, helping me grow, and thank you for showing me what it means to give back and understand the importance of the role you play every day in the workplaces of Aotearoa. The way I work is forever changed because of what I have learned in my time here as CEO of NZISM.

Selena Armstrong

NZISM, Outgoing CEO