Update on PSPLA

By NZISM Master account


Kia ora koutou members and supporters of NZISM. There has been some movement on the implication of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 (the Act) on health and safety investigators and auditors.

As a quick recap, there were questions on whether the requirements of the Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority (PSPLA) apply to health and safety investigators and auditors.

Myself and Jodi Wright, CEO of the New Zealand Safety Council (NZSC), together with HASANZ, have been in discussions with the Ministry of Justice and the PSPLA over a number of months to seek clarity on the requirements. They have undertaken a review and have indicated to us that, at this stage, the Act applies to health and safety investigators and auditors, and so will have ramifications for some of our members. It’s important to note that health and safety practitioners and professionals conducting in-house workplace investigations or audits are exempt.

The process has not yet been concluded, and there is still work behind the scenes on submissions and various other activities before the final decision is reached. We are continuing to work with both NZSC and HASANZ on this to achieve a reasonable and appropriate outcome.

As mentioned previously, the PSPLA has put a dispensation in place for those that are members of HASANZ, which we have understood to mean current NZISM members who are on the HASANZ register. This means that until the PSPLA issues its final decision (after submissions) members are not required to apply for a licence or certificate, and no complaint will be accepted against a member on the HASANZ register on the basis that they are carrying out investigation work without a licence or certificate.

What I want to flag to you again as a member, is that if you are an external consultant offering health and safety investigation or audit services, without being registered on HASANZ, you are potentially in breach of the law. Furthermore, if an employer engages a non-HASANZ registered consultant for health and safety investigation or audit services, there are potential implications as well.

I am continuing to be involved in this activity and will keep you updated as things progress. If you wish to contact me, please do so by email at president@nzism.org

Ngā mihi,

Robyn Bennett