Cyclone Gabrielle

By NZISM Master account


To all of our members across the North Island who have been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, our thoughts are with you.

As a H&S professional we know that you will be putting others first and you are likely immersed in the emergency response in your local communities. For some, there will be great losses and our hearts go out to you, your whanau and your communities.

We want to advise you to continue to listen to your local radio stations for communications. If you have internet, keep an eye on civil defence or local Council Facebook pages for your local updates. Due to communication outages there are delays to NZTA posting updates on the roading network, so please take care on the roads if you must travel as there will be closures across the regions that are unreported.

Information on what support is available can be found on Cyclone Gabrielle Factsheet on the civil defence website.

Useful information can also be found on WorkSafe's new page Keeping safe during cyclone and flooding emergency and recovery.

This is an unprecedented weather event, the impacts of which will be long felt. If we can support you in any way, please reach out if you are able to. We are ready and able to coordinate communications to your teams or whanau on your behalf if that would be of assistance, please contact me directly on 0220 290 313.

Kia tūpato, kia kaha, ngā mihi nui,
