Board Internship Opportunity

By NZISM Master account


The New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) is New Zealand’s leading professional membership association for health and safety practitioners and professionals. With approximately 2,500 members across 14 branches throughout New Zealand, our purpose is to influence better health and safety outcomes at work.

We believe the health and safety profession has much to offer the Boardroom and we want to see more of our peers working at this level across organisations in New Zealand. With this in mind we are looking to provide an NZISM accredited member with the opportunity to gain experience within the NZISM Board via an intern appointment for a term of one year.

The successful intern will be serious about a career in, or working with, governance and be able to show they are undertaking independent steps to progress to a Director role. Accepted evidence will be membership to the Institute of Directors (IoD) and/or continuing professional development focused on leadership/Director level subject matters. You MUST be an accredited NZISM member, either a Practitioner, Professional, Certified Professional, or Certified Fellow.

This internship will suit someone beginning their governance career, who would like to develop their skills within a supportive and encouraging environment and who has set a clear career path focused on the journey to the Boardroom. This role provides the opportunity to work with some of the industry's most respected, senior professionals.

We know increasing the health and safety knowledge and capability of those sitting at the Board table will enhance the health, safety, and wellbeing of New Zealand workplaces. Having the right skills to know how to engage with directors will increase the influence that our members can have at this important level.

In addition to attending board meetings, you will be mentored by one of our directors and funded to attend an IoD one day course of your choice.

If this opportunity excites you, take a look at the Position Description.

You will need to submit a cover letter and CV to by Friday 21October 2022.

The Governance Board are holding our strategic planning review on Wednesday 9 November and we’d like the new intern to be in place and able to attend this planning session with the Governance Board.