Securing a strong future for yourself and the Health & Safety system

By NZISM Master account


Kia ora koutou to all members and supporters of NZISM.

Renewal season is one of the busiest times of the year for National Office. The team is beavering away to process new memberships and returning members.

To our new members, welcome. You’ve made a great choice and an investment in your health and safety career. You will get the most value out of NZISM membership by getting involved. Go along to local branch events like a site visit or coffee catch up, sign up for our webinars, plan to attend a CPD day or the Greg Smith roadshow.

To the returning NZISM family, thank you for continuing your health and safety journey with us. I’m excited about our programme for the year. Like the new folk, why not stretch yourself and try something new? Have you considered accreditation yet? How about joining one of our branch or other committees?

Haven't renewed yet?
If you haven’t renewed yet, don’t miss out. I understand that many of you may be facing job uncertainty or being asked to cut budgets. NZISM membership represents extraordinary value for money when you consider the 30+ national webinars, 100+ regional events, masterclasses, roadshows, accreditation and discounts we provide.

Whomever you are, the next couple of years will be defining ones for our health and safety system. The Government has committed to change the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and regulations before the end of 2026. The future of WorkSafe as our health and safety regulator feels up in the air. The next two-and-a-half years will either see us finally tackle some of the wicked problems of health and safety or slide further, and kill/injure more.

Reform is coming - let's make our voices heard
As health and safety experts, you collectively and individually spend more time trying to improve our system than anyone else. You know what’s working and what’s broken. Your voice matters a great deal. I am committed to making your voices heard in the debate around health and safety. We will be encouraging you to attend public consultation and we will ensure that you are heard in the corridors of power.

To that end, I have drafted a survey asking for your view of what’s working and what needs improvement across the health and safety system with a particular focus on the Health and Safety at Work Act and regulations.


Please complete the survey. The questionnaire is simple multiple-choice, designed to take just 10 minutes but also provides options for you to give us more detail. I plan to share the results with you and with the Government.

Ngā mihi

Jeff Sissons