HASANZ Registered professionals needed for psychosocial research study

By NZISM Master account


A little about me....

Thank you for showing interest in my research. My name is Luzanne Oosthuizen and I have been working within the field of Occupational Health and Safety for more than 10 years. I am conducting this study as part of my Ph.D. thesis at Massey University. The purpose of my study is exploring psychosocial factors experienced by the Occupational Health and Safety Profession (OHSP) in New Zealand. Interviews will be conducted with members of the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) to explore what types of work-related psychosocial factors are experienced by OHSP, and to understand how work-related psychosocial factors experienced by OHSPs impact positively and negatively on their ability to do their work.

What is the research about?

OHS Professionals (OHSPs) play a key role in ensuring adequate safe and healthy working conditions. Several aspects of this profession are becoming increasingly complex, such as: an increasing expertise need for OHSPs; new competency frameworks; OHSP role clarity within organisations; the breadth of risk management scope; as well as ongoing legislative and technological developments.

Existing research within this field contributes mainly towards understanding the role, career pathway, or competency frameworks of OHSPs. However, studies exploring the challenges and opportunities of working conditions for OHSPs are limited. This study aims to explore psychosocial factors – which may have a positive or negative effect on OHSPs - and the impact this may have on their ability to effectively do their job.

If you are an OHSP registered on the HASANZ Register, you are invited to participate in my study by taking part in a semi-structured interview to explore your experience of occupational psychosocial factors.

What will the interview questions be?

The interview questions will cover themes including:

  1. Aspects of how work is organised – such as roles and responsibilities, job autonomy, workload, and job security.
  2. Social factors at work – for example interpersonal relationships, leadership, career development, and health.
  3. How these aspects impact on your work.

Who can participate?

I am seeking to interview approximately 30 people who are:

  • currently registered as an OHSP on the HASANZ Register, and
  • affiliated with one of the 11 HASANZ full member associations, and
  • currently work in NZ.

What do I have to do if I participate?

You will be asked to attend a video-call interview via Teams, Skype, or another programme of your choice. An interview will take around 40 to 60 minutes and will be scheduled at a day and time that is most convenient for you. The interview will be recorded and transcribed. You will be given the option to review your own interview transcription.

Each participant will receive a $30 grocery voucher to thank you for your valuable time.

Why should I participate?

By participating in this interview, the information you give will provide visibility around the types of work-related psychosocial factors experienced by OHSPs as well as providing insight into psychosocial factors contributing to positive or negative impacts at work.

Will anyone know who I am or know what information I give?

All information received during the interviews will be treated with confidentiality. No information will be given to anyone outside myself and my supervisors. To ensure confidentiality, a numbering system will be used for all the data collected. Any names or other identifiers in the interviews will be removed or altered to maintain confidentiality. All research findings will describe participants and organisations in summary terms only. After the research has been completed, my Ph.D. thesis will be available through Massey research online and study findings are likely to be published in academic journals and presented at conferences, as well as other non-academic channels to share any useful knowledge with New Zealanders. All electronic interview data will be securely stored on password protected folders. Hard copies will be stored in locked cabinets.

Although several precautions are in place to ensure confidentiality, participants should note that given the small size of New Zealand, and health and safety often being industry specific, there is a very low possibility that readers of the Ph.D. thesis may consider that they recognise the participant and/or the organisation. However, no outputs from the research will include identifiable information.

Interested in participating?

Please email Luzanne at: Luzanne.Oosthuizen.1@uni.massey.ac.nz

You will be sent a full information sheet upon which you can make your decision.

Thank you for considering taking part in this valuable research project which has been reviewed and approved by the Massey University Human Ethics Ohu Matatika 1, Application OM1 23/21