
In workshops, the HSR community told us they wanted easy-to-find resources to support them in their role. Useful resources can be found in multiple places but we've made thing simple by collating them for you here at REP-CENTRAL

WorkSafe New Zealand has many useful resources.
They welcome HSRs contacting them to give feedback, share ideas and suggest new resources. Simply email them at [email protected]
HSR Scoop - Kanohi Kitea
Sign up to WorkSafe's bi-monthly, HSR focused newsletter, HSR Scoop - Kanohi Kitea.
You will get resources, guidance, stories, and updates direct to your inbox.
Hiki Learning Cards
As a new HSR you are likely to need support in your role - perhaps finding additional time, or building knowledge or personal skills.
The Hiki cards are designed to help you have these sorts of conversations with your manager. They were all written by HSRs, for HSRs. (Read WorkSafe's Information Guide to the Hiki Cards.)
Why HSRs are important
Qualities of a great HSR
Just breathe and relax...
What businesses can do to help HSRs
Making a Difference... James Poultney, Silver Fern Farms
Being an HSR is an important voluntary role. And one which gives you the ability to really make a difference at your workplace.
James Poultney recently shared the highs and lows of his own HSR journey at Silver Fern Farms. It wasn't always easy but James was able to make significant improvements at the meat processing plant he worked at - and improve safety culture along the way. An inspiring story with some valuable insights.
(Note, the recording contains footage from within the plant.)
Law and regulation
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) is New Zealand's workplace health and safety law. It recognises that a well-functioning health and safety system relies on participation, leadership and accountability by government, business and workers.
HSWA sets out principles, duties and rights in relation to workplace health and safety.
It also provides protection to HSRs.
- Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) (NZ legislation)
- Protection for HSRs (WorkSafe)
- Health & Safety Reps under HSWA (WorkSafe)
Health and Safety at Work (Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation) Regulations 2016
These regulations cover matters relating to HSRs and HSCs - including who can be an HSR and what training should be made available.
- Health and Safety at Work (Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation) Regulations 2016
- Health and Safety at Work (Health and Safety Representatives and Committees) Amendment Act 2023
The regulations also specify:
- the health and safety issues that an inspector, appointed by WorkSafe, may help to resolve, and
- the sectors or industries considered high-risk for the purposes of HSR and HSC requirements.

- Supporting your injured employee to recover at work
- Your role in recovery at work
- What to do when an employee is injured
- About MyACC for Business - online platform to manage claims and recoveries
Recovery at Work in action
Fintan's Story
Fintan Cooper is sitting on top of a ride-on lawnmower with a big smile on his face. The apprentice greenkeeper at the Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club ruptured his ACL playing football. His recovery took seven months.
Fintan got back to work five weeks earlier than expected thanks to an ACC ‘Recovery at Work’ plan. This is his story.
Read Fintan's full story.

The GHSL supports those working in Health & Safety within Government agencies. They provide some good material that they are happy to share:
- Health & Safety Representatives Hub
- Health & Safety Reps - Making a Difference (developed with contributions from WorkSafe NZ, Impac, and Housing NZ)
- HSR Journeys
GHSL has recently collaborated with previous HSR of the Year finalists, experts from business, PSA and WorkSafe, to develop a suite of resources to support both agencies and HSRs to understand their role.
These resources can support conversations in your workplace about how HSRs might improve the working environment.
Puataunofo - Come Home Safely initiative
The Puataunofo Come Home Safely initiative:
- raises awareness of health and safety issues for Pacific workers and their employers to reduce workplace injuries
- informs the Pacific workforce about health and safety practices and standards
- develops a holistic approach to marketing and communications.
Puataunofo includes a focus on educating health and safety representatives.
Join them on facebook to keep up with what they are doing.
You might also be interested in Maruiti Safe Haven 2027, which is WorkSafe's refreshed plan to improve the equity gap for Māori and to reduce fatalities, serious harm and health impact on Māori .
Tools & Templates
We've gathered together some useful tools, checklists and templates that you might want to use or adapt.