NZISM North Canterbury Network Event

04/11/2020 12:00pm to 1:00pm

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This month we will have Therese Gibbens from TDDA along to discuss the impact the cannabis referendum may have in the workplace.

TDDA is NZ’s only IANZ accredited, nationwide, 24/7 fully mobile workplace drug and alcohol testing company with thousands of clients. TDDA can provide data on trends and movement in the drug world from illegal drugs to over the counter and prescription medications where there is a chance of “risk”. The legal requirement to “manage risk” as clearly stated in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, means employers must identify and protect from potential hazards. Therese Gibbens, the GM of TDDA Canterbury, West Coast, Otago and Southland has more than 6 years’ experience training managers, supervisors and team leaders on how to see the signs of potential risks in the workplace. The cannabis referendum and the possible legalisation will impact the workplace, including additional risks – we address these issues in this short 25 minute session with some time for questions afterwards.


MainPower Rangiora

172 Fernside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora 7691
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Map of 172 Fernside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora 7691