image for Webinar: Resilience at Work

Webinar: Resilience at Work

29/04/2020 12:00pm to 1:00pm

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The key elements of psychological health and safety that determine if an organisation is working well, are directly influenced by individual, team and organisational resilience.

A healthy organisation cultivates resilience at work by proactively responding to stressors through agility, by positioning your teams for the challenges ahead, learning from setbacks and adapting accordingly. This leads to sustainable success rather than coping better over the short term.

As we face the new era of work in our ever-changing environment, we need to invest in our people, the teams they work within, the leaders that support them and organisational structures and processes that foster resilience.

This webinar focuses on providing you with some simple tips that you can action today to contribute to a resilient, engaged and committed workforce in this current and post pandemic environment.

Speakers Bio:

Angela Cody is an experienced People and Capability consultant with a background in Organisational Psychology, who has worked in senior and executive roles.

Bridgitte Baker is Registered Nurse with a wealth of experience in supporting organisations in Occupational Health, Psychological Health and Safety, Resilience@Work, Wellbeing and Rehabilitation.



Zoom Webinar