image for Webinar: Temporary Traffic Management: Transitioning from compliance to a risk-based philosophy

Webinar: Temporary Traffic Management: Transitioning from compliance to a risk-based philosophy

08/05/2024 12:00pm to 1:00pm

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Temporary Traffic Management: Transitioning from compliance to a risk-based philosophy

Rising accidents at roadworks, has seen New Zealand's Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) industry shift from a compliance-driven focus to risk-based strategies. This change is compelled by conflicts with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. Challenges include entrenched practices and cultural hesitance, necessitating an adaptable methodology.

In this webinar, Dave Tilton will walk us through the historical compliance reliance, the urgency for risk-based approaches, and existing barriers such as collaboration limitations and time constraints. The discussion will also explore the challenges of devising and embracing a methodology that can be uniformly applied across various roles within the industry.


Dave Tilton has dedicated 15 years to the field of Temporary Traffic Management (TTM), contributing significantly across TTM design, delivery, management, and strategy. In 2023, Dave was honored with the role of Chairperson for the newly established NZ TTM Industry Steering Group (ISG), leading New Zealand's transition towards a risk-based TTM approach. As the founder of Parallaxx, a professional services firm specializing in TTM since 2012, Dave has consistently driven innovation and thought leadership within the sector.

Building on this extensive industry experience, Dave is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Canterbury, focusing on risk assessment within TTM. His research seeks to address the absence of mature risk assessment approaches and application within the TTM sector, a necessity for the impending transition of NZ’s TTM industry towards a more ‘risk based’ approach to TTM. This research is particularly designed to synchronize with the TTM Industry Steering Group's Assurance Workstream, ensuring that the outcomes not only contribute to academic knowledge but also deliver practical, industry-wide benefits.

