image for ecoPortal webinar - Transformative Strategies for Holistic Injury Management

ecoPortal webinar - Transformative Strategies for Holistic Injury Management

28/05/2024 02:00pm to 3:00pm

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Join our Principal Partner, ecoPortal, as they unpack a holistic approach to Injury Management with Giselle Phillips, Women in Industry - Woman of the Year 2023 and Women in Industry - Safety Advocate Award Winner 2023.

An organisation’s Injury Management approach is a crucial factor in determining the successful reintegration of an employee after they have recovered from an injury that has forced them to take a periodic break from their professional life.

Traditional Injury Management focuses on the physical rehabilitation of the individual, governed by a system of checks and balances guiding an employer to effectively manage the employee’s bodily health and productivity.

However, employees need to feel supported that they will return to work in peace, not in pieces. A key component often overlooked is the psychosocial implications that may follow, which are often more damaging than any physical injury and the effects, longer-lasting. Business leaders have recognised a need for a re-examination of our current practices, and as industry needs are shifting, so too are the faces shaping the conversation.

As a HSEQ Manager and an advocate for workplace health and safety in Australia, Giselle will be discussing strategies that ensure both you, as a health and safety leader, as well as your employees, are best equipped to improve return to work outcomes whilst maintaining safe and compliant workplaces that are inclusive of all needs.