Webinar: Accelerated Silicosis: Building an approach to an evolving work-related health issue

23/07/2020 06:00pm to 7:00pm

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Silicosis has been a known Occupational Health issue for some time. However, a different condition was more recently identified overseas in those working with engineered stone, referred to as Accelerated Silicosis. Accelerated Silicosis challenges all who are impacted: workers; employers; regulators; funders, and health practitioners. Catherine Epps shares how Worksafe has responded and outlines work underway


Catherine joined the WorkSafe leadership team in this newly formed position in July 2020 having previously held senior leadership roles in public and private healthcare organisations, including Executive Director Allied Health, Scientific and Technical at Capital and Coast District Health Board. Catherine has a Masters in Human Communication and Deaf Studies, and is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Managers. She also has clinical expertise as a Speech-language Therapist specialising in neuro rehabilitation, including supporting those with brain injuries to return to work. Catherine migrated from the UK in 2006, and now identifies as a Kiwi who loves pastimes that allow her to enjoy the best of New Zealand: tramping; sailing; and hanging out with her whanau.


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