8 days to have your say

By NZISM Master account


You may have seen the recent press release from New Zealand's Workplace Relations and Safety Minister, Brooke van Velden, encouraging SMEs to provide their insight into the consultation of the work health and safety regulatory system. It was reported that submissions received were primarily from large organisations with construction, agriculture, forestry and fishing, manufacturing, and other industries well represented. The Minister emphasised the importance of small business input as they make up 97% of businesses in New Zealand.

We know that the current system is costing Aotearoa New Zealand billions; $4.4 billion in 2022 and $4.9 billion in 2023 (Business Leaders Health and Safety Forum, State of a Thriving Nation, 2024). We know that that an effective health and safety system can improve productivity and economic performance, because we can see it in Australia and the United Kingdom.

We know our fatality rates are far too high. We know that the human cost is even higher.

We know that some organisations, and individuals, struggle with the cost of compliance and are desperate for stronger, more robust guidance.

We know that WorkSafe is under pressure and managing with significant resource constraints.

We also know that we need to improve Aotearoa New Zealand's health and safety regulatory system with a focus on reducing harm, reducing complexity, and providing more robust guidance and support for organisations and employers.

NZISM is finalising a submission based on member feedback to share what we know from a collective viewpoint. Our submission, alongside feedback from you, our members, will be used to improve the country's health and safety system and help get our people home safe.

However, the Minister also wishes to hear from small business, which does include many of us in some way.

I urge you now to share your thoughts with the Minister on what you know and make sure your voice is heard before 31 October, 5pm.

You can submit feedback online via the MBIE website or via email.

Ngā mihi

Robyn Bennett
President, NZISM

If you wish to contact me, please do so by email at [email protected]