Draft law reform submission - have your say

By NZISM Master account


Kia ora koutou,

Mike Cosman, Robyn Bennett, Kim Payton and I have been working on NZISM’s response to Minister van Velden’s consultation since before it was announced. We have been influenced by our Health and Safety reform survey.

Your input into NZISM's submission

We are at a point where we would like to share a draft of our submission with you for your input. You can download a copy.

Have a read and let us know if:

  • you agree with what we’re advocating; and
  • there are additional points you would like us to include.

Please send us your comments by Wednesday 9 October. You can email [email protected]. We will then consider your feedback and tweak the submission.

Individual submissions

We would also like to encourage NZISM members to submit individually on the Minister’s consultation. The details of the consultation document are here and consultation is open until 31 October.

Some tips for an individual submission

  • Steal with pride from the NZISM submission (and other useful sources like the NZISM survey and recent Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum reports 'Been There. Done That' or 'State of a Thriving Nation'.
  • Don’t feel constrained by the form of the consultation survey (which is more aimed at businesses than health and safety experts). Either write your own submission or just answer the questions you think are most relevant.
  • Make it as short or as detailed as you like but try to come up with clear asks. What do you want to change?

Submission writing webinar, Friday 11 October 12pm

Mike Cosman and I will be hosting a submission writing webinar for NZISM members on 11 October where we can help with any questions or issues and discuss our thoughts (including on our draft submission). We encourage you to come along.

I want to thank all NZISM members who attended Minister van Velden’s roadshow when opportunities to do so presented themselves (at times it has felt more like a game of hide and seek than a public roadshow). My sources suggest that your message has been heard by the Minister and her officials.

We have been working with other system leaders in health and safety to look for common ground. We have made good progress and I look forward to telling you more about this towards the end of October.

I think that we, and others, have already made a difference to the direction of the consultation and that we can continue to push for improvements. Onwards and upwards!

Ngā mihi nui

Jeff Sissons

Chief Executive Officer