NZISM meets with Minister Brooke van Velden

By NZISM Master account


Two weeks ago today, Robyn Bennett, Mike Cosman and I met with Minister Brooke van Velden to introduce ourselves and talk about her health and safety reform programme. Ahead of the meeting, we sent the Minister this briefing note.

As the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Minister van Velden holds many of the biggest levers in the health and safety system. We had a good discussion with the Minister. We think she understands that good health and safety is about much more than counting road cones. We discussed the ways in which the law and system could promote “competent” health and safety advice. The Minister was interested that anyone could hang out their shingle as a “health and safety expert” regardless of experience or qualifications.

We also talked about the need for greater amounts of robust guidance developed by experts with input from business and workers (essential in a Robens-model framework). I noted that one way to improve the system cheaply would be to increase WorkSafe’s endorsement of guidance (only seven pieces have been endorsed in the last seven years). The Minister asked how you would prevent guidance from being used by big businesses as a barrier to entry for others; we noted that WorkSafe could only endorse guidance developed with input from a range of businesses in the industry and that there were many reputable health and safety sector groups (like CHASNZ and Safer Farms) who could also assist.

The Minister asked me why the Health and Safety at Work Strategy 2018 had failed to gain momentum. I explained that the initial reference groups had been dominated by officials and that tangled responsibilities between MBIE, WorkSafe and ACC had not helped. The COVID-19 response had also taken up much of the focus.

We are also keeping a careful eye on the wider consultation and sending NZISM folks along when there is a public meeting (most meetings are invite only). Thanks to those who have attended so far. Alongside this, we’ve convened regular catch ups with the key cross-sectoral groups (Business NZ, CTU, Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum, GM Safety Forum, EMA, Te Rōpū Marutau o Aotearoa) and sectoral groups (CHASNZ, Safer Farms, ShopCare, Government Health and Safety Lead) to share information and joint work.

We’re working on our submission and will share it with you in draft. We would welcome members who would like to provide input and feedback earlier in the process: Send me an email at if you are interested.

As an aside, It is enormously reassuring to attend these meetings with Robyn Bennett (NZISM President) and Mike Cosman (NZISM Governance Board Chair). Along with their years of experience at the highest level of health and safety, Robyn used to run the audit programme at ACC and Mike was the Chief Health and Safety Advisor and National Operations Manager at the Department of Labour. We are lucky to have their insights and input into this process.

Ngā mihi

Jeff Sissons