By NZISM Master account
We understand that a major theme in Minister van Velden’s road show has been WorkSafe’s performance and interactions. This is not a surprise. There is a crisis in confidence in the primary health and safety regulator; Safeguard’s 2024 State of the Nation Survey in March found that only 16% of respondents thought WorkSafe was performing well.
Our April member survey found that the majority (77%) of our members’ interactions with WorkSafe in the last twelve months had been positive and that WorkSafe’s guidance was well-used. But many respondents raised concerns about the culture of and resourcing in WorkSafe.
We know from recent work by the Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum that WorkSafe’s inspector numbers are well below the 10:100,000 workers that Australia strives for (currently 6.1:100,000 excluding trainees). Recent discussions with WorkSafe have elucidated that 64% of their 548 guidance products are out of date.
WorkSafe’s 2023/24 Quarterly Report has recently been published and it contains both glimmers of hope and cause for concern:
Another restructuring related to WorkSafe losing the ACC Injury Prevention funding waits in the wings and we understand will shortly be announced. We hope that WorkSafe will endeavour to ensure that it retains capability (including in relation to work-related health).
We are seeing some green shoots of a new approach to guidance:
Those who have read our draft submission know NZISM’s view is that an effective regulator is an essential part of the health and safety system. We also advocate for adequate resourcing in the health and safety system including the regulator.
Sharon Thompson, the new WorkSafe Chief Executive, begins early next month. She has a challenge ahead of her. We are here to help.
Ngā mihi
Jeff Sissons
Thank you for joining the Women in Safety Excellence (WISE) network.
We hold various online and face-to-face events throughout the year and if one occurs near you, we would love to meet you in person.
LinkedIn - Please make sure you join our LinkedIn group to stay connected and on top of our planned webinars and events. We encourage you to post anything in the WISE group page that you think other network members would find useful or inspiring. Please don't be shy. The more we reach out, the more we connect with each other, and the more we can help each other on our journeys.
We might send you the occasional email but our web page on the NZISM website is always the best place to go for an overview of what's coming up in the WISE calendar.
Best wishes,
Margaret van Schaik
WISE Chair