Hawkes Bay Branch

About Branch

The Branch

The Hawke's Bay Branch is committed to its members and provides professional development activities and networking opportunities throughout the year. We have a diverse range of industry representation and a great bunch of people willing to discuss, learn and grow their knowledge in the ever changing Health and Safety space. A warm welcome is extended to you, so head along to our meetings or training events and see what you are already missing.

Contact Branch

Hawkes Bay Branch Committee Members:

  • Jennie Kuzman (Branch Manager)
  • Amy Harris (Deputy Branch Manager)
  • Joanne Graham
  • Nikola Bass
  • Scotty Watson

For branch related queries, please email either Jennie Kuzman, jenniek@hdc.govt.nz or Amy Harris, amy.harris@gemcogroup.com

Branch Manager
Jennie Kuzman