Auckland Monthly Meeting - South Thursday 18 July

Asbestos Awareness for HSW Professionals. If you have any old buildings in your workplace, sooner or later you may encounter Asbestos. Indeed, some emergency plans tell workers to call the H&S Manager if they suspect Asbestos is present, so what do you do?

The team from Auckland Council will give us great insights on what Asbestos is, what it looks like, and how it causes harm. They will also give us some advice on what to do if you are "on the spot" and fielding questions from worried workers, and how Asbestos can be managed in the long term.

They will also have an interactive display where you can see Asbestos under a microscope and with a Spectrometer. It promises to be a great evening, and will be repeated at the 3M HQ in October for our Northern members.

Venue is Site Safe HQ, 92 Beachcroft Ave, Onehunga